Materials Science & Engineering
With its roots in metallurgy, materials science and engineering is a venerable scientific discipline, expanding in recent decades to encompass polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and biomaterials.
We are advancing the creation of new materials, from determining optimal base constituents to devising manufacturing processes.

We research the infinitesimally small to achieve breakthroughs of global significance, working at the atomic and molecular levels to create the microscopic devices and systems essential for cutting-edge solar energy production, energy storage, information technology and medicine.

What is it like for undergraduate students?
MSE recently expanded the undergraduate curriculum with a new series of lecture courses focusing on nanomaterials science and technology. The program also offers a variety of laboratory classes, which offer hands-on lab experience, as well as the opportunity for students to do a research project with an MSE professor.

What is it like for graduate students?
The master’s program provides training in solid-state fundamentals and materials engineering at an advanced level. The PhD program is designed to give students a broad and deep understanding of materials science and engineering so that they will have long and fruitful careers as researchers.