Camera speed: Creative project management
In the fast-paced, budget-crunched world of movie-making, a project can fly off the rails in a matter of moments if you aren’t keeping a sharp eye on every moving piece.
Time, experience and a healthy dose of worry can help you maintain control over a project.
On this episode of the FRICTION podcast, Stanford professor Bob Sutton is joined by Hollywood executive producer Sheri Singer to share what she’s learned over the years producing 37 made-for-TV movies. Embracing creative friction, by welcoming multiple perspectives and fresh ideas, can help push a project from good to great. By learning to trust your gut, Singer says, you can develop a sixth sense for when something is about to derail your project.
You can listen to the FRICTION podcast on iTunes, Stitcher and the Stanford eCorner.
The FRICTION podcast is a deep dive into Stanford Engineering professor Bob Sutton's research on the causes and cures for organizational friction – that phenomenon that frustrates employees, fatigues teams and causes organizations to flounder and fail. Packed with raw humor, sage advice and candid stories, the FRICTION podcast unveils tactics to improve the way we work. FRICTION is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.