Gopi Shah Goda: You’re probably not saving enough for retirement
Gopi Shah Goda: You’re probably not saving enough for retirement
Gopi Shah Goda: You’re probably not saving enough for retirement
Am I saving enough for retirement? Will I outlive my money? Can I count on Social Security?
These are but a few of the nagging questions most every American grapples with when contemplating retirement.
Gopi Shah Goda ( of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) ( says that the migration from once ubiquitous and relatively secure pension programs to today’s self-directed retirement plans are producing anxiety and indecision in retirement planning precisely at the worst time, and it could spell a coming crisis. Throw in a teetering Social Security system and it’s no wonder so many Americans do not know when — or if — they will ever truly retire.
Join host Russ Altman ( and economic policy expert Gopi Shah Goda for a look at the true state of U.S. retirement planning.