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Computer Science professors honored for work in storage systems

John Ousterhout and Mendel Rosenblum receive IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award.

John Ousterhout, professor of computer science, and Mendel Rosenblum, professor of computer science and electrical engineering, have been named co-recipients of the 2014 IEEE Reynold B. Johnson Information Storage Systems Award, which honors outstanding contributions to information storage systems, with emphasis on computer storage systems. They were cited "for fundamental contributions to the design and implementation of log-structured file and storage systems."

Ousterhout's research ranges across a variety of topics in system software, development tools and user interfaces. His current focus is on large-scale data center storage systems. His past research projects include the Tcl scripting language and its companion GUI toolkit Tk, log-structured file systems, the Sprite network operating system and integrated circuit design tools.

He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and an ACM Fellow. He also has received the ACM Software System Award and the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award.

Rosenblum's research focus is on system software and simulation systems for high-performance computing architectures. As part of the Stanford FLASH project, he is leading an effort to build a new operating system targeted for large-scale shared memory multiprocessors. He is also building a high performance machine simulation system for detailed simulations of current and new computer architectures.

Rosenblum has published research in the area of disk storage management, computer simulation techniques, scalable operating system structure, virtualization computer security and mobility. He is also a co-founder of VMware Inc.

Rosenblum is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and an ACM Fellow. He also has received the ACM System Software Award and the ACM/SIGOPS Mark Weiser Award.