The 15th Biennial Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research
Since 1987 the Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University has advanced our understanding of turbulent flows. Turbulence is the complex and chaotic state of fluid motion that we encounter every time we drive a car, hit a ball or fly in a plane.
Better understanding of turbulent flows will help us in all sorts of ways, such as boosting jet aircraft performance; allowing us to design cleaner car engines; improving climate models and weather forecasts; even enabling us to create more effective human heart valves.
Every other year CTR holds summer sessions that bring together leading theoreticians, experimentalists and computational scientists to tackle important and unsolved problems in this realm of engineering science.
This video was created at the recent 15th Biennial Summer Program of the Center for Turbulence Research. The event was jointly sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy and NASA.
Some 75 international participants from academia, industry and government spent a month collaborating on 47 separate projects. Their aggregate findings will be published in a proceedings report later this year.
Meanwhile, here is a glimpse of the 2014 summer session.
The Center for Turbulence Research is led by its founder, Parviz Moin, the Franklin P. and Caroline M. Johnson Professor in the School of Engineering.
To learn more about CTR and its research click here. (Video: Schecter Films)