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Evan Reed
Member, Bio-X
We are engaged in theory and modeling of materials at the atomic scale. Our recent work has two primary directions:
1. Monolayer and few layer materials (i.e. graphene, MoS2) for electronics, NEMS, and energy applications.
2. Materials at conditions of high temperature, electromagnetic fields, and pressures, including dynamic or shock compression.
Recent research topics include piezoelectricity and phase change effects in monolayer materials. Past topics include THz radiation generation, energetic materials, and photonic crystals. We develop and utilize computational tools (molecular dynamics statistical methods, electronic structure, materials informatics approaches, etc.) and interact closely with experimentalists.
1. Monolayer and few layer materials (i.e. graphene, MoS2) for electronics, NEMS, and energy applications.
2. Materials at conditions of high temperature, electromagnetic fields, and pressures, including dynamic or shock compression.
Recent research topics include piezoelectricity and phase change effects in monolayer materials. Past topics include THz radiation generation, energetic materials, and photonic crystals. We develop and utilize computational tools (molecular dynamics statistical methods, electronic structure, materials informatics approaches, etc.) and interact closely with experimentalists.
BS, Caltech, Applied Physics (1998)
PhD, MIT, Physics (2003)