It was my first time being a teaching assistant. Professor Simon Wong, who teaches E40, tasked me with designing a new curriculum for a special E40 section. The goal was to have the students build Bluetooth robots. It was my job, as a TA, to create, lead, and teach a 4-month course on how to build Bluetooth robots.
It was an overwhelming endeavor, especially since it was my first time. I had to think about what’s the best way to provide this information. How should I structure the labs? What do I do if students don’t get their robots to work? And at the very end of the course, we had a little race, where everybody got to race their robots.
I felt like a soccer mom going to her kid’s first game. I wanted all of my kids to score a goal. But it all went so amazingly. This will be one of my favorite Stanford memories for a long time.